This week we have Sean Lai from Hong Kong in the spotlight, who attends our IHM at Ellesmere College football academy.

Sean is one of the older players on the programme, being in the sixth form at the school and aged 18. Sean is in his second year at the football academy and is really developing as a player and also as a young man.

Sean enjoys all parts of the academy highlighting that since his arrival in 2022 he’s made a lot of new friends, who will be friends for life. He loves the coaches and the daily coaching regime, which really motivates him to progress on with his football development.

Initially when Sean joined the programme, it was difficult for him. Adjusting to the conditions and temperature, with the weather being so much colder in the winter than back home, was a challenge. However, being part of the programme as a whole has made Sean more resilient and he now openly admits that he has a much better mindset to approach his football and other life challenges.

In the future Sean is looking to progress onto university, being very academically minded and focused. However, he also wants to play football at a better level and continue his training.

The coaches and staff at the academy wish Sean all the best in his final few months at the academy, both in his football and his studies.

If you would like to have the football and education experience of a lifetime in the UK like Sean, contact us now to discuss what opportunities there are for you to come and join us.

If you would like to hear more from Sean and his time in the UK, you can see a full interview with him on our social media channels.