IHMFA Ellesmere – Henry Hayden-Lee

For the month of November, IHM Football Academy at Ellesmere College proudly recognizes Henry Hayden-Lee as the standout player. Henry has truly shone at the academy this month, meeting challenges set by the coaches with exceptional skill and determination. Embracing a new position suggested to him, Henry seamlessly transitioned to become the team’s right back, showcasing adaptability and a keen understanding of his role. Throughout the month, his performance has been marked by consistency in both training sessions and games, displaying confidence in possession and unwavering defensive prowess.

Henry’s outstanding attitude extends beyond the pitch, reflecting a genuine eagerness to learn and consistently strive for excellence. His commitment to personal development is evident in his punctuality, always being the first to training. Despite being a quiet member of the team, Henry exudes confidence in his football skills, earning him a spot in the regular starting line up for the U18s side.

As an ideal student player at IHM Football Academy, Henry’s holistic approach to his development is reflected in his remarkable progress and on-field abilities.

Lead coach Brandon commended him, stating,

“Well done Henry, thoroughly deserved this month. His exceptional performance, receptiveness to information, and seamless adaptation to new positions and opportunities make him a delight to have on the team. We anticipate him evolving into an outstanding player as the season unfolds. Keep up the good work.”

With the players gearing up for the Christmas break, the IHM Football Academy team is already planning for the upcoming season in September 2024, promising another exciting chapter. If you aspire to be part of the class of 2024/2025, don’t hesitate to reach out to explore the available options.