Alvaro Carrera Rodriguez

Alvaro Carrera RodriguezDate of birth: 30/12/1996
Nationality: Spanish
Job: Fitness coach
Height: 1,77 cm
Weight: 73 kg
High sport course, 2015-2017
Personal trainer (functional training tittle), 2016
Medium sport course, 2013-2015
More information
Firstly, I love the sport football, I have played and worked in Spain, Ireland, U.S.A and now in Manchester.
I got a lot of beautiful experiences in others countries, social skills, leadership skill, innovation….
In all of my life’s areas (personal, professional, familiar….) I enjoy, learn, work hard and I give my 100%.
I try to make happier the people.
I am here because I would like to get a really good experience in this company and in Manchester, also to improve my English level. I hope to learn from all the coaches and football academy.